Friday, March 07, 2008


heh, whoops. i almost forgot that i had this blog, and i posted a bunch of new year's resolutions to it...last YEAR. so this is as good a time as any to do a little self reflection, and see if i've done well on my 2007 resolutions.

• be more positive - i think i've done better on this front. i'm not sure if i'm a more positive person in general, but i've certainly learned to hold my tongue back a bit.
• take things slower - hmmm...this is mixed. on one hand, i know when i'm at home, i still feel the need to do everything all at once so that i can get comfortable ASAP (like go to the bathroom and get undressed and take out my contacts), but for larger life stuff, i surprised myself by being able to juggle a lot of big changes at the same time (getting engaged, buying a house, finding a new job - more on all of this at another time). so i'll give myself a passing grade here.
• be more decisive - another head scratcher. when it comes to big things, sure, somehow i manage to make the call pretty quickly. i'm definitely moreso now at work - although that may be a function of being in a job where i don't have to get through 18 levels of approvals for every last thing.
• be better informed, read the news, watch the news - horrendous failure here.
• research returning to asia in the future - this one competes with the last one for the horrendous failure award.
• eat more fruit - i think i'm doing ok here. =)

all in assign myself an arbitrary score, i think i just passed with a 65%.