Wednesday, February 01, 2006


i just read a few of my previous posts. the one before was from 3 months ago, the one before that, 9 months. so, my dear dear readership, i hope you're not waiting on the edge of your seat to receive my next digest.

blogging, to me, is one of those things that is cool when i want to do it. it's like drawing or painting or whatever artistic endeavor you might undertake - it only comes to me in moments of extreme inspiration. so as you can see, in the last 9 months i've had two of those moments.

another problem i have with blogging, is that i don't know if i'm really writing for myself or for other people that are reading it. i don't know who's looking at this, i don't know if anyone will ever look at this. so sometimes i am undecided whether i am writing for myself or in the hopes that someone will read this eventually. really, i don't care. i just don't want to say something that's going to get me into trouble.

i'd thought about using this space to talk about stuff i'd learned from random places - magazines, at work, "life" experience, and whatnot. between the time that i was entertaining that thought and now, when i have time to translate those thoughts to paper, i can't think of a single thing i've learned in the last few days.

i *do* know more about a particular business now, but because of confidentiality i shan't say what that business is. so sorry dear reader, you lose out on my rich insight here. yes, that is sarcasm.

someone sent me to the blog of an employee at xanga: - he writes about how he proposed to his girlfriend. purty darn good story, and well written.

anyway, that was just a diversion to blab for a bit. i'll think of more focused topics to write about later.